Jack: “What did he say?”
Peter: “He said the train is lost.”
Jack: “How can a train be lost? It’s on rails.”

Hello, I’m Maja. I’ve created this space as an ongoing a depository of my interests, passions and views. A designer and creative director by trade, I’m now moving to the realm of storytelling both vocationally and avocationally. By trade I’m working in visual storytelling for brands, organizations and individuals, which manifests itself in presentations for pitches, keynotes, and the like.

I often write about culture, media and brands as well as issues which touch on feminism and occasionally parenting. And then I’m also working on a memoir about a couple of crazy years post divorce. From time to time, I dabble in short fiction as well.

Thanks for stopping by…

Here’s where else you can find me:

Blogging on Medium
Instagramming: @maja_brugos
Tweeting: @maja_brugos
Schmoozing on LinkedIn
Blurbing on Mubi (movie reviews)
Daydreaming on Pinterest
Also: majabrugos.net

Still want to know more? Drop me a note: